Friday, September 11, 2009

Okay I'm a terrible Bloger

I am really bad at this blogging. With Face Book I communicate with the world daily. Lots have happened in a month. Chris is gone on hislong trip, the girls are back in school and I am back to loving my job as a teachers aide. The girls just went to there first concert. I took them to see Britney Spears this week. Little did I actually know it was going to be a sexy show with more for the adults eye then children. Overall they had the concert experience but if I had aclue it was going to be what it was we never would have gone.

Last weekend we had a San Diego reunion. A good friend who is more then crazy drove 15 hours each way for2 days. Yes Kris hasnot changedat all. She is just as fun and crazy as ever. It was a wonderful 48 hours. We talked, laughed and even managed to go to Jelly Belly. Now when you have been 5 times it is very exciting! NOT!! But the kids all loved it.

Okay enough with this boring blog. I will try harderto keep it up. The cold weather is coming soon so I will have something to complain about soon!

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