Wednesday, December 17, 2008

7 Days till Christmas!! What's happening in our house...

mere we are 7 days till the most expensive holiday of the year. Am I ready? No no really. I wish I could say I was but I still haven't bough a thing for my parents. I know it sounds strange but this year I am not buying just to buy. I hate shopping for my parents they are the worst people to buy for. My father used to be into sports so any tennis equipment was a good gift. My mother is the type of person that no matter what you buy her she returns. I am half tempted to buy then a gift card for dinner and 2 movie tickets. That is a gift that they cannot return.

Now onto the house. It's almost finished. We still have to hang pictures and curtains then the garage is a job in tiself but for now it's looking good. I will post pictures soon of the finished decorated house.

Let's talk snow... last night we had about 5 inches. Tomorrow we are due for 10 inches and an ice storm as well. I think the word White Christmas definitely applies!!

Happy final days of Christmas chaos!!

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